Tips for Designing Mats with Logos

Welcome mat with logo image.Logo floor mats have become more popular in use by the companies to give that extra detail to the customers they serve.  These vibrant, customized entrance mats depict the company’s brand image and tell visitors that the business establishment is keen on the details.  This works to establish a very positive first impression with the prospective customer and, when done with tact, it may also convey to customers that they will be treated with the same meticulous attention and care.  To make sure that each customer feels the same experience, the company has to put in some effort in knowing how the best design to fit the company logo.

The editorial team here at the Eagle Mat Blog has assembled these tips to help your business create professional looking logo mats that establish a positive first impression with your storefront’s visitors.  If you have experience in logo design, or if you’ve recently purchased a logo mat from, we’d love to know about it—please tell us about your experience in the Comments section below!

Know The Best Shape For The Company Logo

Floor mats come in different shapes and sizes and the choice of the logo mat can vary depending on the orientation that a business selects.  There are basically three mat shapes:  circular, rectangular and oval.  The company can place the logo mat horizontally or vertically depending on how the logo was embossed on its surface.  Some choose to integrate to shapes to add in elegance like flat line on one end and rounded on the other end.  Just make sure that the logo is on the right orientation and can be seen in the correct angle when customers enter the establishment.

Use Color Schemes That Are Consistent

A company can play with different color schemes to attract the attention of the target audience.  But then again to add in some consistency, the logo floor mats have to follow the company’s dominant colors.  One thing to remember is making sure that the contrast of colors used will allow the logo to stand out and not blend in with the mat.  It is the goal to get some attention on where the customers are stepping when they come in the business area and logo mats that are properly colored will receive positive reviews.  To give a different look the background color and the logo color can be interchanged after some time when the previous one is being cleaned off.

Simplify The Look Of The Logo Floor Mats

Even if you can make use of different colors and add in some slogan to the mat, keep the overall appearance simple.  Keep in mind that customers may not stop just to take a good look at the mat.  In the worst case scenario, a single long glance is all the company can expect from these customers.  There should be not much clutter and abstract drawings going on the floor mat.  Logo floor mats should be kept at minimal entertainment to the targeted audience but enough detail to be noticed as well.

Companies may not need their entrance mats to have the small detail of adding in their logo.  But with the careful thought of putting it in even on low-lying floor mats can make a huge difference to the experience that a customer encounters.  There are those that can observe these things and can certainly give the impression of care from the company in providing great service.  This can be a subtle marketing strategy as well in keeping the customer coming back to bask in the same experience of high customer service all over again.

Free Logo Mat Consultation, Image Upload, & Proofing!

It has been our pleasure to provide businesses with commercial floor mat consultation and logo mat design for more than 30 years, and we look forward to serving you!  For additional assistance in designing a logo mat for your business, please call Eagle Mat customer services at 1-877-333-1018.