Matching Mats with Brand Image

Matching Mats with Brand Image

Using Entrance Mats That Promote Safety While Enhancing Brand Image There’s nothing worse than a pair of worn out, dangerously disheveled entrance mats inside the doorway of a high-end electronics boutique.  Unfortunately, a recent trip to Miami Beach landed a member of the Eagle Mat Blog’s editorial team face-to-face with that very worst case scenario.  […]

Are Recessed Floor Systems Right for Our Building?

Are Recessed Floor Systems Right for My Building

Recessed floor systems are employed in a variety of business locations to control large amounts of moisture, dirt, and debris accumulation.  You may recognize these commercial floor mat systems as the horizontal aluminum and carpet “grills” that commonly line airport entryways, hotel vestibules, and other heavily trafficked commercial spaces. Though a substantial investment, businesses choose […]

3 Best Reasons to Choose Waterhog Floor Mats

3 Best Reasons to Choose Waterhog Floor Mats

Waterhog mats are a well-known industry leader and a popular choice among commercial facilities of most industries.  But what makes these floor mats so effective?  Our editorial team has assembled this introduction to Waterhog matting products to provide an inside look at one of the industry’s most well known commercial floor mats.  For specific product […]

Fighting Fatigue with Ergonomic Matting Solutions

Fighting Fatigue with Ergonomic Matting Solutions

Last month, we announced our Fight Fatigue in February campaign to help businesses hedge against one of the most preventable costs of doing business: Worker fatigue. In January of 2009, the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine wrote that an overwhelming 40% of American workers suffered from workplace fatigue. The published study, along with several […]

Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan, Pt. IV

Your Facilitys Risk Management Plan IV

Proactive risk management is the number one way for an organization to prevent unnecessary loss.  From a reduction in work-related accidents to improvements in employee moral, effective risk management has a profoundly positive impact that ripples throughout an organization.   In the Your Facility’s Management Plan series, our editors have explored inherently-risky facility areas that require […]

Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan, Pt. III

Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan, Pt. III

Anticipatory risk management plans may save businesses inordinate amounts of time and money.  Anticipatory is the key word, and those businesses that are successful in proactively identifying and minimizing areas of risk are poised to avoid the downfalls of accidents, liability claims, and increased business costs.  In Part III of our Your Facility’s Risk Management […]

Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan, Part I

Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan Part I

Risk management programs seek to identify and analyze the risks that may arise during the usual course of business.  These anticipatory programs go a step further by prioritizing those risks and setting forth a plan to control their potentially negative impact on business.  In Part I of the Your Facility’s Risk Management Plan series, the […]