Preventing Slip-and-Fall Accidents with Floor Mats

Preventing Slip and Falls

Over 1 million individuals suffer from a slip-and-fall related injury each year, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (i).  The question of liability is raised continually, with injured Plaintiffs demanding settlements from property owners to compensate them for hospital bills, pain, and suffering.  The numbers can climb to alarmingly high sums, prompting […]

5 Benefits of Commercial Floor Mat Installation

5 Benefits of Commercial Floor Mat Installation

Commercial floor mat installation may help a business to better serve both employees and guests.  From safety enhancement to bacteria control and branding, the benefits of installing commercial floor mats are numerous and advantageous for businesses of all industries. Floor Mats and Safety Safety enhancement is the first way in which well-planned floor mat installation […]

Commercial Matting and Flooring Review: Reducing Liability

Commercial Matting and Flooring Review Reducing Liability

There are several reasons why businesses are turning to commercial matting and flooring services, even in times of global economic hardship.  In general, matting and flooring improvements are cost-effective ways to reduce liability, increase productivity, and spread brand awareness. In the first installment of this Commercial Matting and Flooring Review, we will examine the specific […]