Rio+20 Sustainable Development Agenda Leaks

Rio20 Sustainable Development Agenda Leaks

United Nations Agenda for Upcoming Rio+20 Hits the Web and Spreads Environmentalists and policymakers from around the world are well aware of the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.  Referred to by industry insiders as the Rio+20, the event serves as a 20-year follow-up to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) […]

Mitsubishi Motors Announces New Eco-Friendly Matting Material

Mitsubishi Motors Announces New Eco-Friendly Matting Material

Mitsubishi Motors has announced a new kind of eco-friendly mat to be used in cars this year. The company is known for a high quality line of plant-based floor mats, and this new product is set to inspire companies to rethink what it means to “Go Green” during the manufacturing of car mats. What does […]

Using Eco-Friendly Products to Save the Planet

Saving the Planet with Eco-Friendly Products

Reading the title alone can sound far fetched but after reading this passage, you will believe that using eco-friendly mats is a great business move to make. Even though your business does not contribute to the pollution and spread of harmful chemicals in the atmosphere, you should still make a move to prevent this from […]

Environmentally Friendly Products at Work

Environmentall Friendly Products

Since the creation of eco-friendly mats, these mats are highly recommended to consumers. Instead of ordering the regular carpets and commercial mats, consumers are urged to go green by purchasing mats that reduce carbon emissions and reuse recycled materials during construction. This helps to prevent excessive carbon production, it encourages sustainable production practices, and it […]

Indoor/Outdoor At-Home Matting Products

at home matting products

Residential door mats have a wide range of uses including safety and prevention of bacteria accumulation. It is tempting to think that matting products are simply floor coverings that contain dirt.  Although it is true that matting products are designed to absorb dust and dirt, they also serve an aesthetic function.  Mats may add to […]

LEED Certification Requirements

LEED Certification:  An Introduction to Sustainable Building

The U.S. Green Building Council created the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification system to award forward-thinking organizations with incentives to employ a vast range of environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. LEED Certification is more than just a reward system, however.  As the U.S. Green Building Council states, LEED establishes “a framework for […]