Crowd control safety in the retail environment is serious business.
In fact, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration publishes guidelines on best practices to ensure the safety of employees and retail customers during special events. By law, employers are responsible for providing their employees with a safe and healthy work environment.
Eagle Mat can help you prepare for these events with special products in our Crowd Control section.
If you’re anticipating big crowds lining up either outside your store or inside to pay at the checkout, then consider stanchions with either ropes or Tensabarriers with retractable belts. Keeping a crowd neat and tidy is the first step to effective crowd management.
Velour ropes are a little cheaper, but retractable belts are easier to store away when you’re not using them. Both come in several colors.
If space is at a premium, try wall mounts for retractable belts. Wall mounts eliminate the need for stanchions and also eliminate the need for storing the stanchions when they are not in use.
In addition to roping off areas for managing queues, appropriate signage to explain to the public and staff where people are supposed to be is key. Confusion adds to chaos.
Remember to plan ahead if you are expecting a big crowd. Sometimes you may need to hire extra staff. You need your commercial space set up well before the crowds start to arrive. Remember never to lock or block exits, and make sure your staff is trained for what to do in case of an emergency.
Whatever you choose, by law you need some measure of crowd control for your business. Do you have other questions? Are you not sure what you need? It’s easy to contact us, and we’re happy to help you. You can always call us at (877) 333-1018 or email us at for more information.