Eagle Mat and Floor Products is the #1 Commercial Matting and Floor Covering business in the Washington D.C, Virginia, Maryland metropolitan area.
If Eagle Mat is the area’s top-selling Commercial Mat and Floor Product retailer, what is Eagle Mat’s #1 product?
In the long-standing history of our 30 year-old floor mat company, no product line has surpassed our Berber Supreme series. The Berber Series consists of Berber Entrance Floor Mats, Berber Recessed Floor Mats, and Berber Logo Mats, where you can brand and personalize your company’s logo or insignia right into the matting surface.
Berber Supreme Entrance Mats in Washington, D.C.
The historic and affluent city of our nation’s capital has a vast combination of monumental and Class-A buildings, cast with decadent lobbies, atriums, and vestibules. For these applications, Eagle Mat’s Berber Supreme Matting offers a variety of Berber products that blend with the decor of Washington real-estate.
When questioned about why Eagle Mat’s Berber Series is so popular in the Washington-Metro area, Eagle Mat president and CEO Mike Blumberg says, “Our customers simply like the look. Berber Mats come in a variety of pretty colors that our clients love to choose from.”
But its not all about the color combinations. Mike goes on to say, “Our Berber Series is the perfect product line that’s not only relatively inexpensive, but its multi-directional hobnail surface pattern combined with the high-grade dense Nitrile rubber backing, makes it perfect for vestibule installation jobs.”
The majority of high-end buildings in Washington’s commercial district, along with monuments, have vestibules that serve to keep the heat from escaping during the winter and the air-conditioning from escaping during the summer. Current Eagle Mat clients that have benefited from our Berber installations include the Capitol Building, Library of Congress, The Holocaust Museum, The Rayburn, Canon, and Longworth Buildings of the U.S. Capitol, Air and Space Museum, Museum of Natural History, as well as many of the Foreign Embassy Buildings. Eagle Mat’s Berber Supreme Recessed Matting is suggested by Mike and his sales team to all their clients as the “perfect product for vestibule recess installation… Like I said, our customers simply love the Berber Floor Mat Line.”
Eagle Mat and Floor Products
Eagle Mat and Floor Products is full service. Equipped with two fully staffed warehouses, a commercial floor mat cleaning division, a commercial carpet division, a sales team, and expert installers, we guarantee we will meet and exceed expectations every time. The city of Washington and the people who inhabit it has changed over time, and its commercial matting and flooring needs have grown. Eagle Mat has grown with it, and continues to be a staple in Washington D.C., Virginia, and Maryland’s commercial districts.
Contact Eagle Mat to learn more about commercial floor mats, schedule a free consultation, or enroll in our hassle-free floor mat rental and laundering services!