Are Property Owners Liable for Mold and Mildew?

Property owners owe certain responsibilities to tenants and guests. One of the most important duties is to make tenants and guests aware of any dangers on the premises. Property owners must make reasonable efforts to repair such dangers so as to minimize the likelihood of injury. Numerous studies indicate that mold and mildew pose a […]

Editor’s Pick: Essential Readings on Fall Safety

With summer temperatures reaching 100 degrees in the Northeast and Midwest, fall safety preparedness is likely to be a distant thought for most American business owners. As the adage goes, however, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This week, our editorial team invites business owners to start thinking of fall safety […]

Automatic Umbrella Wrappers, Available in August on

Automatic Umbrella Wrappers, Available in August on

This August, Eagle Mat and Floor Products will carry a new wet umbrella bag stand designed to make life easier for facility managers and guests alike. New and Improved. Our new line of Wet Umbrella Wrappers have been created with two goals in mind: Convenience, and effectiveness. The new umbrella wrappers feature an automatic wrapping […]

Choosing Between Walk Off Mats and Recessed Mats

In today’s article, our editorial staff examines 2 popular products for facilities looking to improve safety and facility cleanliness: Walk off mats, and recessed mat grill systems. Below, readers are invited to answer our questionnaire to determine which mat is best for their business location. Walk-off mats are generally made using some combination of 4 […]